Metal Flowers for the Garden (part 2)
Our range of metal flowers for the garden are my own stylised interpretation of what I love to grow in my own outdoor sanctuary. If you are looking for something to help your garden stand out from the crowd our metal flowers for the garden will make a super gift to yourself, for a friend or family member – in fact anyone that is deserving of something special.
It is intended for each metal flower for the garden to rust naturally in situ. We choose not to speed up this rusting process and leave it completely to nature to work its magic. Over time the chemical reaction between iron, water and oxygen develops the beautiful textures and deep colours that adds rustic charm, and eventually, each flower blends with its natural surroundings, adding character to gardens big and small.

Displaying our metal flowers for the garden in odd numbers at varying heights creates maximum visual interest.
Odd numbers are more effective at capturing our gaze as mentally, we are not able to group them automatically. By displaying in threes, fives or sevens creates a more natural, more dynamic interest.
This doesn’t mean that you have to buy a whole display of metal flowers for the garden in one go! My stylised designs that are left to weather naturally mean that you can add to your collection at any time, safe in the knowledge that eventually they will all totally compliment each other. They are completely maintenance free too.